10 Contoh Kalimat Noun Phrase Brainly

3 min read Jul 01, 2024
10 Contoh Kalimat Noun Phrase Brainly

10 Contoh Kalimat Noun Phrase Brainly

Noun phrase atau frasa nomina adalah kelompok kata yang berfungsi sebagai subjek atau objek dalam kalimat. Frasa nomina selalu mengandung kata benda sebagai inti, dan bisa diiringi dengan kata-kata lain seperti adjektiva, kata keterangan, dan frasa preposisi.

Berikut 10 contoh kalimat yang mengandung noun phrase, beserta penjelasannya:

  1. The beautiful red car is parked in the garage.

    • Noun phrase: The beautiful red car
    • Kata benda inti: car
    • Kata lain: the, beautiful, red
  2. That tall, handsome man is my brother.

    • Noun phrase: That tall, handsome man
    • Kata benda inti: man
    • Kata lain: that, tall, handsome
  3. A small, fluffy dog barked at the mailman.

    • Noun phrase: A small, fluffy dog
    • Kata benda inti: dog
    • Kata lain: a, small, fluffy
  4. The book on the table is mine.

    • Noun phrase: The book on the table
    • Kata benda inti: book
    • Kata lain: the, on the table
  5. My best friend's birthday party was a lot of fun.

    • Noun phrase: My best friend's birthday party
    • Kata benda inti: party
    • Kata lain: my best friend's birthday
  6. The students in my class are all very smart.

    • Noun phrase: The students in my class
    • Kata benda inti: students
    • Kata lain: the, in my class
  7. A big, juicy hamburger is my favorite food.

    • Noun phrase: A big, juicy hamburger
    • Kata benda inti: hamburger
    • Kata lain: a, big, juicy
  8. The house at the end of the street is haunted.

    • Noun phrase: The house at the end of the street
    • Kata benda inti: house
    • Kata lain: the, at the end of the street
  9. A beautiful, sunny day is perfect for a picnic.

    • Noun phrase: A beautiful, sunny day
    • Kata benda inti: day
    • Kata lain: a, beautiful, sunny
  10. The girl with the long, curly hair is my sister.

    • Noun phrase: The girl with the long, curly hair
    • Kata benda inti: girl
    • Kata lain: the, with the long, curly hair

Ingat: Noun phrase bisa sederhana atau kompleks, dan dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek, atau pelengkap dalam kalimat.