100 Contoh Homofon Dalam Bahasa Inggris

10 min read Jul 03, 2024
100 Contoh Homofon Dalam Bahasa Inggris

100 Contoh Homofon dalam Bahasa Inggris

Homofon adalah kata-kata yang memiliki pelafalan yang sama, tetapi ejaan dan makna yang berbeda. Ini bisa jadi sedikit membingungkan, terutama bagi pembelajar bahasa Inggris.

Berikut adalah 100 contoh homofon yang umum digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris:


  • a (indefinite article) - an (indefinite article)
  • air (gas that we breathe) - heir (person who inherits something)
  • aisle (passageway) - isle (small island)


  • bail (release from prison) - bale (bundle of goods)
  • bare (naked) - bear (animal)
  • base (bottom) - bass (low sound)
  • beat (to hit) - beet (vegetable)
  • berry (small fruit) - bury (to place in the ground)
  • blew (past tense of blow) - blue (color)
  • board (piece of wood) - bored (uninterested)
  • boar (wild pig) - bore (to make someone bored)
  • bow (to bend) - bow (weapon)


  • cell (small room) - sell (to offer for sale)
  • cent (unit of money) - sent (past tense of send)
  • cereal (breakfast food) - serial (occurring in a series)
  • chews (present tense of chew) - choose (to select)
  • cite (to quote) - sight (the ability to see) - site (location)
  • climb (to go up) - clime (climate)
  • close (to shut) - clothes (garments)
  • coarse (rough) - course (a path or a series of lessons)
  • complement (something that completes) - compliment (praise)


  • dear (beloved) - deer (animal)
  • die (to stop living) - dye (to color)
  • do (to perform) - dew (water droplets)
  • dual (two) - duel (fight)


  • ear (part of the head) - ere (before)
  • eight (number) - ate (past tense of eat)
  • ewe (female sheep) - you (pronoun)


  • fair (just) - fare (price of travel)
  • feat (achievement) - feet (plural of foot)
  • flea (insect) - flee (to run away)
  • flour (powdered grain) - flower (plant)
  • for (preposition) - four (number)
  • forth (forward) - fourth (number)


  • gait (manner of walking) - gate (entrance)
  • game (entertainment) - gaim (to obtain)
  • grate (to rub) - great (large)
  • guessed (past tense of guess) - guest (visitor)


  • hair (on the head) - hare (animal)
  • heal (to make better) - heel (part of the foot)
  • hear (to listen) - here (in this place)
  • hew (to cut) - hue (color)
  • high (tall) - hie (to hurry)
  • him (pronoun) - hymn (religious song)
  • hole (opening) - whole (entire)


  • I (pronoun) - eye (part of the face)
  • idle (lazy) - idol (image worshipped)
  • in (preposition) - inn (small hotel)
  • it's (contraction of it is) - its (possessive pronoun)


  • knew (past tense of know) - new (recent)
  • knight (medieval warrior) - night (dark time)
  • knot (tied loop) - not (negation)


  • lain (past participle of lie) - lane (narrow road)
  • lead (metal) - led (past tense of lead)
  • lessen (to reduce) - lesson (learning experience)
  • levee (embankment) - levy (tax)
  • lie (to tell a falsehood) - lye (chemical)


  • mail (letters) - male (masculine)
  • main (principal) - mane (long hair on the neck of an animal)
  • meat (animal flesh) - meet (to come together)
  • medal (award) - meddle (to interfere)
  • might (strength) - mite (tiny insect)
  • miner (person who works in a mine) - minor (less important)
  • moral (ethical) - morale (spirit)


  • nailed (past tense of nail) - neighled (past tense of neigh)
  • none (not any) - nun (female religious member)
  • no (negation) - know (to be aware of)
  • note (written message) - knot (tied loop)


  • oh (exclamation) - owe (to be indebted)
  • one (number) - won (past tense of win)
  • our (possessive pronoun) - hour (period of time)


  • pail (bucket) - pale (light in color)
  • pair (two things) - pare (to cut) - pear (fruit)
  • peace (tranquility) - piece (part)
  • plain (simple) - plane (aircraft)
  • pore (tiny opening) - pour (to liquid)
  • pray (to beg) - prey (animal hunted)
  • principal (head of a school) - principle (rule)


  • rain (water falling from clouds) - reign (to rule)
  • raise (to lift) - raze (to demolish)
  • read (to look at and understand writing) - reed (type of grass)
  • right (correct) - write (to put words on paper)
  • road (pathway) - rode (past tense of ride)
  • role (part in a play) - roll (to move)


  • sea (large body of water) - see (to look at)
  • seam (joint in cloth) - seem (to appear)
  • sew (to stitch) - so (conjuction)
  • shear (to cut) - sheer (absolute)
  • shore (coast) - sure (certain)
  • sight (the ability to see) - site (location) - cite (to quote)
  • soar (to fly) - sore (painful)
  • some (a few) - sum (total)
  • son (male child) - sun (star)
  • stair (step) - stare (to look fixedly)
  • stationary (not moving) - stationery (writing materials)
  • steal (to take something without permission) - steel (metal)
  • straight (direct) - strait (narrow channel)


  • tail (end of an animal) - tale (story)
  • their (possessive pronoun) - there (in that place) - they're (contraction of they are)
  • threw (past tense of throw) - through (preposition) - thru (abbreviation of through)
  • to (preposition) - too (also) - two (number)
  • toe (part of the foot) - tow (to pull)
  • tracked (past tense of track) - tract (piece of land)
  • vain (conceited) - vane (blade) - vein (blood vessel)
  • vary (to differ) - very (extremely)


  • wait (to stay) - weight (heaviness)
  • ware (goods) - wear (to have on) - where (in what place)
  • waste (to use unnecessarily) - waist (part of the body)
  • way (path) - weigh (to measure weight)
  • we're (contraction of we are) - were (past tense of be) - wear (to have on)
  • week (seven days) - weak (not strong)
  • weather (atmospheric conditions) - whether (if)
  • which (pronoun) - witch (magical woman)
  • who's (contraction of who is) - whose (possessive pronoun)
  • whole (entire) - hole (opening)
  • won (past tense of win) - one (number)
  • wood (material from trees) - would (modal verb)
  • write (to put words on paper) - right (correct)


  • your (possessive pronoun) - you're (contraction of you are)


  • zero (number) - hero (brave person)


Daftar ini hanyalah contoh kecil dari homofon dalam bahasa Inggris. Ada banyak lagi homofon lainnya, dan beberapa kata bahkan memiliki lebih dari dua bentuk homofon!

Tips untuk Mengatasi Homofon:

  • Perhatikan konteksnya: Perhatikan kalimat di sekitar kata yang ingin kamu gunakan. Makna kalimat akan membantu kamu menentukan homofon yang tepat.
  • Perhatikan ejaannya: Ingatlah ejaan dari kata yang ingin kamu gunakan. Ejaan bisa membantu kamu membedakan homofon.
  • Gunakan kamus: Jika kamu masih ragu, selalu gunakan kamus untuk memastikan kamu menggunakan homofon yang tepat.

Dengan sedikit latihan, kamu akan dapat membedakan homofon dengan mudah!

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